Creation Ministries

Event Date: March 26, 2017 Time: 9:30 AM Location: Epping Gospel Chapel
Address: 120 Carlingford Rd Epping NSW 2121

Evidence for Design

Dr John Anderson Promo Video

Evidence for design abounds. Even some ardent atheists acknowledge this, but they deny the need for a Designer, attributing it to ‘evolution’. Modern science reveals design that ‘shouts out’ that God created, as the Bible says.
Dr John Anderson will present some of this faith-affirming evidence that will astound you in Creation—An Urgent Message at 9.30am on Sunday 26 March.

Creation Ministries

Get Answers!

Does God exist? How can anyone believe in religion when science has proved no God is necessary? Is evolution happening today? If there is a loving God, then why do we die?

Want answers? Get them! Creation Ministries International is coming soon (see details below) with answers to these and many other important questions. Come along and listen to Dr John Anderson expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas. You’ll be blown away to see how the supposed ‘scientific evidence for evolution’ is really nothing of the sort.

This is an issue that affects everyone. According to the theory of evolution as taught in schools and universities, there is no need for God – everything made itself. If that’s true, it means there is no spiritual realm – you don’t have a spirit and there is no afterlife. So ‘spirituality’ is just an ‘evolutionary trick of the mind’!

But the Bible gives a very different picture about our origins. And many scientists now recognize that the scientific evidence, when properly understood, confirms the biblical account.

Find out more by contacting Ed Gray on 0407 806 404.

Date: Sunday 26 March
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Epping Gospel Chapel
120 Carlingford Rd, Epping
Title: Creation — An Urgent Message

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